
Is your vision big enough to make you GULP?

“Whatever your vision is, go bigger.”

– J. Fielding Miller, CEO and founder of CAPTRUST during his USASBE- United States Association for Small Business and Entrepreneurship keynote speech.



Mr. Miller dropped this truth bomb as a piece of advice to university leaders as they look for donors to fund innovation and entrepreneurship programs. And these aren’t small asks… we’re talking in the tens of millions here. 



GULP. That’s some big vision!  



His point? People who can help in big ways want to get on board with a vision that makes a real difference, not just small increments. 



And here I was, in the early days of forming a vision for my own business. And as much as I wanted to scream HELL YESSSSS!!! from the rooftops, the truth is, transferring his advice to my own work was harder than I ever expected it to be. 



Can you feel me there? But it was a great reminder that:


  • Vision is the foundation of every successful undertaking. People like entrepreneurs, architects and artists tend to be naturals at it. But the rest of us MUST harness it too! It’s the bridge between our current and future state.
  • Seeing and believing in something bigger is the juice that fuels our very best work… we need more that to just get through the day 
  • People want to work with (and for) someone who believes in what their own goals.

I’m taking his advice to heart. 



Six months ago, my goal was only to replace my corporate income with my  consulting business. 



Now? I’m going bigger. I’m aiming to double it this first fiscal year. I mean, what’s the point of doing something hard and crazy and risky if it’s not for a better outcome? 



What’s your vision right now… for yourself? Your organization? An upcoming project? I’d love to know.


Let’s take your vision up a notch. The world needs that kind of impact!


PS – If you want some inspiration, check out what Fielding & Kim G Miller have helped to create at East Carolina University’s Miller School of Entrepreneurship. The program was given top honors by USASBE this year, and is still growing!

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